!["[Isaacson] let the string melody sing, without overemphasizing it, and her brisk readings of the remaining dance movements ...were vigorous, tightly unified and carefully accented." - Portland Press Herald](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5886a11b8419c212002dfcea/1548643282447-9OACVK3ECCT0M0FY1JTA/Chorale_Nov2018_128_HR.jpg)

“Anyone who doubts the popularity of classical music should have tried to get a seat”
— Portland Press Herald
"Isaacson’s interpretation was superb. I have not heard it done better...”
– Portland Press Herald
"The performance was dazzling, its best moments having the quality of a jam session" - Allan Kozinn
“Awesome in the most literal sense of the word."
– Times Record
"[Isaacson] let the string melody sing, without overemphasizing it, and her brisk readings of the remaining dance movements ...were vigorous, tightly unified and carefully accented." - Portland Press Herald
"The performances were magnificent, some of the best Bach playing I’ve heard anywhere." - Allan Kozinn, former music critic and culture writer for The New York Times
"As usual...one virtually flawless program." — Maine Classical Beat
“Emily Isaacson is attracting quite a following.” - Maine Classical Beat
“Awesome in the most literal sense of the word.”
"If you bump into Emily, you may end up staying through each piece, going to all the after parties and wondering how you signed up for singing lessons of the baroque style. Really, her passion is that contagious."
- News Center Maine
"Little short of phenomenal" - Maine Classical Beat
“Emily Isaacson….(is) poised to bring a wave of classical music to the Northeast that will rival big cities in the region.”
— Dashon Burton, GRAMMY-winner
"The performance was dazzling, its best moments having the quality of a jam session" - Allan Kozinn